“Calling In”

I needed this article today …. a different lens, a road to healing and growth….

Prof. Loretta J. Ross is combating cancel culture with a popular class at Smith College.

“The antidote to that outrage cycle, Professor Ross believes, is “calling in.” Calling in is like calling out, but done privately and with respect. “It’s a call out done with love,” she said. “
Spoiler alert if you can’t read the whole thing – here is the ending…
“You can’t be responsible for someone else’s inability to grow,” Professor Ross said. “So take comfort in the fact that you offered a new perspective of information and you did so with love and respect, and then you walk away.
“We have a saying in the movement: Some people you can work with and some people you can work around. But the thing that I want to emphasize is that the calling-in practice means you always keep a seat at the table for them if they come back.”
This is something I continue to need to reflect up and practice. I realize this practice will take courage and a lot of effort and it will be exhausting. My kids are my motivator for continually working towards being a better me and growing. This professor is also an inspiration.