
This weekend, I had the privilege of helping a mare (horse) have her foal (baby). It is a filly (girl). Here is proof of where you can find beauty in the messy! At least this time, I remembered to take my watch off before reaching in to grab the missing hoof!

I am in awe of how the mare knows that you are there to help. She has a bit of a reputation at her other barn for being a grump. Clearly, she is smart. She knows how to keep people at bay when she wants. She didn’t try to kick me and I hope may have been comforted knowing she had a little help.

Horses just instinctually know what is coming and what to do next. Maybe there is a lesson in that for me. I have a habit of over thinking and my poor husband gets to hear those rumblings when I can’t sleep. Imagine if I had walked in to have my kids with the mindset of “I’ve got this.” Clearly there are a lot of messages for me in observing nature. XO – C

2 thoughts on “Foaling”

  1. Andrea DeMayo-Clancy

    But was it a colt or a filly? And PICTURES. You can’t tease us without letting us see the baby and mom.

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